Dr. Joni, KidPT’s Owner shares her tips:

“If you have more than one child, be aware that strategies you use for one child may not work for the other, and that’s ok!”

“Back to school can be really exhausting as our kids get into their new routines. Give them time and routine as they adjust to the new demands of school schedules. Use written schedules and calendar to give visual reminders of what’s coming next.”

Nina Britz, an OT at Kid PT, shares back to school advice:

“Advocate for lots of different seating options in the classroom and during homework (including standing at the wall/easel/desk or lying down on the floor if need be!) while learning. Supporting sensory needs and postural stability will allow your learner to focus their attention on the work they are trying to accomplish instead of how to keep their body and/or movement needs supported.”

“Explore, listen and observe your child to find their regulation “sweet spot”.  Add movement breaks, use fidgets, display visuals for supporting organization, eat crunchy foods, and the list goes on!  Be a sensory input detective so learning and school demands can be less stressful on your learner.  When they feel overwhelmed, offer those tools- and don’t forget your own reactions and regulation will go a long way.  So BREATH and try another way if you your family gets stuck.” 

Kelley, our Client Care Coordinator, and mom of 3 daughters, shares her tips with the wisdom of hindsight now that all of her children are grow and out of school:

“Sometimes you need to declutter your child’s schedule for them because…..they want to do it all!”

“Set a time aside to discuss with your child what went well this week and what they struggled with.”

“Always remember….Nothing is as important as your child’s emotional health. Not schoolwork, sports….nothing!”

Dr. Sarah, one on KidPT’s physical therapists, share her tips:

“Break long term tasks into reasonable and measurable short term goals to help make it all less daunting.”

“Create an after school routine to help balance school work, extracurricular activities, and self care.”

“Be easy on yourself and don’t be afraid to ask for help! Build a good relationship with your child’s teachers as they are valuable resources and support.”


Many children who struggle with their daily routines and school days could see significant improvements with the support of specialized physical or occupational therapy. Whether it’s developing better organizational skills, improving focus and attention, or finding ways to feel more comfortable and confident in their movements, our team is here to help. If you’re unsure whether your child could benefit from therapy or if our services could make a difference, don’t hesitate to reach out.

You can set up a free call with one of our experienced therapists or schedule a free discovery visit at our office to learn more about how we can support your child’s unique needs.

We believe every child has the potential to thrive, and we’re here to help them reach it. Let’s work together to make this the best school year yet, filled with growth, confidence, and success!